
Stack uses API Keys to authenticate and approve requests. This key is visible on your developer dashboard

A production API Key will only work in a production environent, and a sandbox API Key will only work in a sandbox environment.

Verifying your authentication

When in doubt, just verify that your API request is properly authenticated by making a GET HTTP request to the /ping endpoint.

Verifying Authentication

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: sk_adc11964-af08-4c5f-a7d4-f85723f6731a'

Expected response

Assuming your request was properly authenticated and successful, you should get a 200 response status code with the response body:

Expected response

    "message": "pong"

Always keep your token safe and reset it if you suspect it has been compromised.

Using an SDK

If you use one of our official SDKs, you won't have to worry about any of the above — fetch your access token from the Protocol dashboard under API settings, and the client library will take care of the rest. All the client libraries use OAuth2 behind the scenes.

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