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Status codes

We use status codes in combination with error_type to communicate the currest status of your request. Below are the possible status codes and what they mean.

Codes and meaning

Status CodeTypeMeaning
200SuccessYour request was successful and we have returned a response body
201SuccessYour request was successful but we are not returning a response body
400ErrorThere is an issue with the request. This is usually accompanied with an error_type
401ErrorYou do not have access to the respective service. This is usually accompanied with an error_type
500ErrorServer error. This means there is an error on our part

Error types

incomplete_resourceYour request is missing a required field. Please refer to the documentation
request_errorThere is either an issue with one of the parameters you have provided or a general issue with the service
authentication_errorYour request is missing an api Key or you are not properly authenticated. Please refer to the getting started section