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Request Logs and Storage

When you make a request to any of our API endpoints, in addition to the response body, we also return a request_id. This request id is an important part of the request as it makes it possible to trace a request and respective response long after it has happened. This also makes it easy for our technical support team to help debug API issues.

What happens after a response ?

When a response is sent after a request is received, a copy of the original request, url and the response are logged to a secure environment. When you log into your dashboard, you will also be able to see a full log of all requests from your account within the last 30 days.

How long are the logs stored for ?

Logs are automatically deleted after 30 days. You will know that a log has been deleted because you will see that your request count has reduced and the amount of logs displayed have also reduced. Once a log is deleted, it can not be recovered.

Is it secure to store logs ?

Logs are encrypted at rest where necessary. Our systems automatically detect the service that the request is for and determines if it should be encrypted or not. Not every log is encrypted because not every log holds / displays sensitive data.

Can i delete logs myself ?

No, you can not delete logs yourself. Logs are automatically deleted after 30 days of them being stored on our server.