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Program Key


A program key is not required to make a live request. Any request made without a Program Key will use the product's default configurations.


A program Key, not to be confused with an api Key, is a unique group of strings that our servers use to uniquely identify a program and its configurations. A program key is different for each program and can be reloaded dynamically if it needs to. Without a program key present in a request header, our servers will use the detault product configurations (which may include higher per-request cost, lower rate-limits etc).

Before moving to production, ensure that you have an approved program and an active program key because, you can not run a scalable app without it.

Getting a Program Key

A program key is automatically generated as a program is created. A program can be created by clicking on the New Program button option, directly on the dashboard or going to the program page and clicking on New Program Settings page.

Program Key Sharing

A program key is unique for each account and program and can not be shared as it is also tied to the api Key .

Using a Program Key

Just like an api Key, a program Key must be passed in the request header with the key program_key and the value be your program key. For example, if you have the following Program Key pgk_59239bc3-3775-4ca7-b8fc-0ae6439293ea , an API call's header should include "program_key": "pgk_59239bc3-3775-4ca7-b8fc-0ae6439293ea"


If the program key is invalid, the request will be rejected with a message stating that the program key is invalid.